
An optional framework of a struts used on composite view design pattern that facilitated faster development of views. Normally in a web application a view consist of different sub-views which are arrange according to a predefine structure that is common for all views. Usually structure is defined with the help of frameset, html table and style sheet. Tiles frame work provides a mechanism to change the structured of all views without individually applying changes to them.

<titles:insert> tag is used to define place holder tiles.


<table width="100%"  height="553">           
            <tr bgcolor="#CC9999"><td height="60" colspan="2"><titles:insert attribute="header"/></td>
            <tr><td width="25%" height="436" bgcolor="#9999CC">
<titles:insert attribute="menu"/></td>
            <td><titles:insert attribute="contents"/></td></tr>
            <tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><td colspan="2"><titles:insert attribute="footer"/></td></tr>


<tiles:insert page="myLayout.jsp">      
        <tiles:put name="header" value="header.jsp"/>
        <tiles:put name="footer" value="footer.jsp"/>
        <tiles:put name="contents" value="contents.jsp"/>
        <tiles:put name="menu" value="menu.jsp"/>
        <tiles:put name="title" value="Home Page"/>
Tiles Definition is used to provide the default value of parameter in a tiles layout. This is used to an tiles to be display in some region of the layout remain common for the more than one pages.


<logic:notPresent name="myDef" scope="application">
            <tiles:definition id="myDef" page="myLayout.jsp" scope="application">
                <tiles:put name="header" value="header.jsp"/>
                <tiles:put name="menu" value="menu.jsp"/>
                <tiles:put name="footer" value="footer.jsp"/>


<jsp:incude page=”myDef.jsp”>
<tiles:insert beanName=”myDef” beanScope=”application”>
<tiles:put name=””contents” value=”contents.jsp”/>

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